Certificate III in Local Government

Jobs and Skills WA: Finance courses
Kickstart your career in local government!

This course is an excellent pathway to a career with local governments or councils in either business support or outdoor maintenance.

You'll gain a range of skills and knowledge including workplace safety, communication, teamwork, and customer service.

Depending on your training provider, you'll be able to select units that support your career interests such as business support, producing business documents, designing spreadsheets, maintaining records, OR (outdoor maintenance) planting trees and shrubs, pruning, operating chainsaws, using chemicals to controls pests and weeds, storing chemicals, or traffic control.

Apprenticeship or Traineeship
Industry: Education and Community Services
National course code: LGA30120 | WA State ID: BGO5

Choose a private training provider that delivers this course

This course is available from registered training organisations (accredited private training providers) that are also funded through Jobs and Skills WA. Select from the list below, and follow the link to the provider's website for further information about the course and how to enrol.

The program covers the skills and knowledge on how to perform a variety of administration duties, working as part of a team, using effective communication techniques and how to offer a quality service to residents or other people from both inside and outside your Organisation. All learning resources have been contextualised to meet the needs of Local Governments in Western Australia.
The qualification has been developed according to the requirements of the Local Government Training Package (LGA) and has been approved for delivery by the Training Accreditation Council (TAC). This program is available as a Traineeship for eligible employees.
This course is delivered through a blended delivery mode over four (4) study terms of 10 weeks each. There is no training during School Holidays.
Participants are required to attend weekly virtual classroom sessions of 3 hours plus a 15-minute break. Participants will practice and apply their learning in their daily work and need to allow for 2-3 hours per week for self-directed studies. Participants are supported by individual mentoring by a WALGA Trainer/Assessor in preparation to undertake all assessment tasks for the relevant term of study.
Please contact WALGA Training on 08 9213 2098 or email us training@walga.asn.au

The information presented on the course lists within this website is provided to the Department of Training and Workforce Development by the WA TAFE colleges and private training providers, and is offered as a guide only. It is updated regularly, however some changes to details may occur in between updates. You should always contact the TAFE or private training provider directly to confirm details and/or ask questions.